Zara Tindall, the Queen’s granddaughter, has recently fallen foul of the ‘totting up’ provisions after being caught driving at a speed of 91 mph on a 70 mph road.

As such, this offence took her to 12 points on her driving licence meaning she was subject to a driving ban which was dealt with in her absence as she is currently abroad. She was further ordered to pay a fine of £666 and costs as well as the relevant surcharge.

Gloucestershire police were carrying out as they and other police forces do on a regular basis a road safety patrol from a layby – this leads to hundreds of drivers being caught speeding at that same location.

Whilst it is the case that receiving 12 points would usually lead to an automatic driving ban there can also be legal argument potentially put in front of the court to avoid such a ban.  If you find yourself in such a position you should contact a solicitor immediately to obtain skilled and tailored legal advice as soon as possible to help avoid any such outcome if at all possible.

If you have been cautioned by the police for a motoring offence in Essex or have received a summons to appear in court, please contact Elizabeth Bradshaw on 01206 369889.

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.