Many employees have now faced the reality of being placed on furlough by their employers under the Government's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme ("CJRS") and a vast majority have been looking for options to fill their time and also top up their earnings, that may have dipped to no more than 80% of their usual income.

The guidance offered by the Government has confirmed that furloughed employees can seek alternative employment during their period of furlough, provided that it does not contravene their contract of employment and is not in breach of the terms of the CJRS – meaning that it is not for the same employer. This means that those furloughed employees can seek alternative employment in the country's local farms and assist in this year's harvest season and, to date, approximately 26,000 people around the UK have joined the "land army" required to ensure that this year's harvest is carried out across the country.

Mark Bridgeman, the President of the Country Land and Business Association Limited ("CLA") has stated that he was pleased with the above guidance as it does allow the employees to assist their members in the crucial upcoming spring and summer harvest season. He also called for employers to ensure that they release those furloughed employees from any contractual obligations that would prevent them from undertaking the necessary work on the farms.

We are here to support our clients, new and existing alike, and we are offering 30 minutes' free telephone consultation to assist you and respond to any queries. This includes any help for an employer to ensure that its employees are released to undertake other work during the furlough period or even for employees who are unsure as to what they can and cannot do. Please do not hesitate to contact us and send us your details to

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.