In the UK, it is against the law to drive a vehicle on public roads without insurance. You can be prosecuted if you are not insured for the vehicle, even if the car itself is insured. Such an offence has serious implications.
Should you be caught speeding whilst driving uninsured, you could be facing significant consequences. It is vital that you are insured for your vehicle if you intend to use it on roads or public places.
Penalties for driving uninsured
If you are found to be driving a vehicle without insurance, the penalties can range from a £300 fixed fine and 6 penalty points. However, if the matter is sent to the Court, you could be automatically disqualified from driving. The Court also has the power to issue an unlimited fine, which means the Judge determines the amount of the fine. The police also have the potential right to destroy the vehicle and you will be ordered to pay for your insurance, all of which could lead to a heavy financial loss.
Will I get a criminal record for driving uninsured?
Driving without insurance is not a ‘recordable offence’, which means you will not get a criminal record. However, it will show on your driving licence record for four years. This could impact future car insurance quotes and costs.
What if I accidentally let my car insurance policy expire?
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have car insurance. Should you forget to renew your insurance, you will still be liable to the punishment.
When can you drive a car uninsured?
- Your car is declared SORN (statutory off-road notification) – This means that the DVLA has been made aware that you will not be driving your car, and it has been declared off road. Once this has been done, you are unable to drive or even park your car on the road.
- Your car is between registered keepers- Should the car be between owners, then you are not responsible for insurance. However, once you become the registered keeper, you are responsible for the car insurance.
- The car has been stolen, written off or scrapped – If any of these factors apply, then the car is not required to be insured. You will need to inform the DVLA of this.
Speeding without car insurance
Speeding while driving a vehicle is a dangerous and serious offence. If you are caught speeding in a vehicle that does not have adequate insurance, you could potentially be facing severe consequences.
The term ‘dangerous driving’ is defined as ‘when driving falls far below the minimum standard expected of a competent and careful driver, and includes behaviour that could potentially endanger yourself or other drivers’.
The punishment for such offences depends on the circumstances of the case. However, the lack of car insurance will be regarded as an aggravating factor and could increase the potential sentence.
Penalties for speeding
In standard procedure, a Fixed Penalty Notice of a £100 fine and 3 licence points will be provided for speeding. On occasions, this can be avoided if a speed awareness course has been offered.
However, on serious occasions whereby other aggravating factors such as no insurance is involved, the matter may be taken to court which can lead to a significantly higher fine, further points on your licence and even a driving suspension/disqualification.
Are there any defences to speeding? Every case differs; however, the main defences are:
- You were not driving at the time the offence was committed
- Incorrect/obscured speed limit signs
It is vital that you get your vehicle insured to avoid serious penalties. In the case of being caught speeding, whilst uninsured, it is likely that your case will be taken to court. Gepp Solicitors have decades of experience in dealing with driving offences cases, such as speeding and no insurance. For more information, please call 01245 493939 or email