What happens if I miss my speed awareness course?

There are many reasons that you may end up missing your speed awareness course, such as work, illness or generally just forgetting. In the instance that you do not attend your course, you will need to contact the course provider as soon as possible to see if you are able to rebook. Note that you may have to pay a rebooking fee.

There will be some instances where you are not able to rebook and therefore legal proceedings will take place. The police will take the matter to your local magistrates court within 6 months of the driving offence, where you will then receive a summons for speeding. At the court you will then need to make a plea, after entering a guilty, you will receive penalty points, prosecution costs, a victim surcharge and a fine.

It is within your best interest to attend your speed awareness course.

For further advice and to rebook, please visit


For all Motoring enquiries

If you have been cautioned by the police for a motoring offence or have received a summons to appear in court, please contact us on 01206 369889 or mail@gepp.co.uk

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.