What do your Terms and Conditions say about your business?
Unfortunately, the current climate has proven that many companies do not have terms and conditions that completely protect them and / or the business needs and that has caused some difficulties all around for businesses and individuals alike.
You may think that the Terms and Conditions that were clobbered together when your business was first established will cover you, but actually having those reviewed regularly would be the best way to ensure that they are still fit for purpose and that you keep up to date with any changes in the law or even just in the market.
We strongly recommend that you consider having bespoke and regularly reviewed Terms and Conditions and it is something that we will be more than happy to help you with. These are incredibly important for so many reasons, not least because:
1. They often minimise the risk of lengthy and costly legal litigation as matters are agreed at the outset of the contractual relationship;
2. They make sure that as many eventualities as possible are covered, even if they are not so likely;
3. They provide both parties with confidence and certainty in the way that their relationship is governed which ultimately strengthens the relationship;
4. They protect the business from unnecessary risks as much as possible; and
5. Well drafted Terms and Conditions show the seriousness with which the company approaches business relationships.
So, if you would like to have your Terms and Conditions drafted, or reviewed, please do not hesitate to contact our expert team who will be more than happy to assist.
For more information on selling a privately owned company
Please contact Alexandra Dean on 01245 228141 or via e-mail, at deana@gepp.co.uk.
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.