On Wednesday 8 July, I represented Gepp in taking on a new challenge – I joined the wonderful Carla Davison of Basking Babies UK and did an Instagram live Q&A session about all things that affect new parents and in particular new mums.
We had some great questions that were asked and they are definitely ones that we have received in the firm too.
If you want to watch the session, please do so through Instagram or Facebook.
Basking Babies offer baby massage and baby yoga classes. At the moment, all of the Basking Babies classes are based in Essex – but who knows where the business will take to next. Carla has personally trained all of the franchisees in her business and so the classes offered are unique and very well run. I have been so honoured to be involved with them so far.
We covered topics such as maternity rights and what they mean for expectant mums, what to expect if they are not getting the benefit of those rights and what to expect on return to work as well. We talked about the more negative aspects of reality – where mums are sometimes mistreated because of being mothers and what they can do about it. The most important advice that I gave in that regard is to not suffer in silence, know your rights and speak up when you are not receiving them!
Topically, we even touched on the concerns that many mothers and expectant mothers could have with returning to work from furlough or returning to the workplace in general, during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is no doubt that this is a stressful time and so it is so important that those worried have conversations with the employers about what their concerns are and what the employer can do to alleviate it. 
We have teamed up with Basking Babies and are offering, through them, an opportunity for up to 10 ladies to join me in a group zoom session where you can ask me any questions – that are employment law related, cannot promise to know everything about everything. If you want to get involved, please do let Carla know through the Basking Babies social media pages on Facebook and Instagram.

For more personal one-to-one advice, please do not hesitate to contact me or the team directly.

We are so keen to help new or existing clients and invite you to get in touch – even if you are not sure if we can help, we will let you know. Honest and transparent advice is what we do
Phone01245 228141
Or, via our contact form on site.

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.