This is the motion for this year’s Gepp Solicitors Schools Legal Debate 2016, which will be held at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford from 6:30pm on Wednesday 9th November 2016.

The event is open to local sixth form and college students, offering them a fun and educational insight into the legal system, as well as giving them the opportunity to put their mooting skills to the test. Last year’s legal debate was a resounding success, and proved an exciting and rewarding experience for all the students involved.

This year’s event involves 8 teams, with the debate being judged by prominent members of our community.

The following schools will be participating:

  • Anglo European School
  • Brentwood School
  • Chelmsford County High School for Girls
  • Felsted School
  • King Edward VI Grammar School
  • New Hall School
  • Ormiston Rivers Academy

What is ‘Joint Enterprise’?

Joint Enterprise, also known as Common Purpose, is a legal doctrine that imputes criminal liability to the participants in a criminal enterprise for all that results from that enterprise. With a series of controversial cases stretching from R v Osborne and Swindall in 1846, the doctrine came under scrutiny earlier this year following a joint ruling of the Supreme Court and Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in R v Jogee. It has been argued that this recent case shows that the law on Joint Enterprise took a ‘wrong turn’ three decades ago.

If you would like more information on this event, or details on how to obtain free tickets, please email