Supermarket giant Tesco to shed 4,500 staff
Out of a total workforce of 340,000, the UK's largest grocer has reported that, in order to run their business more sustainably, they will be looking to make around 4,500 members of staff redundant from their Tesco Metro stores. As part of a £1.5bn cost saving exercise to combat competition from the likes of ALDI and Lidl, Tesco also plan to reduce the opening hours of some Tesco Express stores during quieter trading periods.
If you find your working conditions are changing or are under threat of redundancy it is important you seek legal advice.
Gepp Solicitors' Employment Team are here to ensure you are treated fairly and receive the best outcome. If you would like to discuss your options regarding your employment, please e-mail or phone one of our team on 01245 228141.
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.