The former England captain has escaped conviction of speeding after being accused of driving at 59mph in a 40mph limit.

The 43 year-old former footballer avoided points on his license that could have caused a disqualification from driving and a fine of up to £1000 (up to £2500 if speeding on a motorway) after his Solicitor argued that Beckham could not be prosecuted for the offence as a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) arrived 1 day outside the 14-day statutory window.

Gepp Solicitors provides legal advice in all sorts of motoring and criminal prosecutions. Our specialist Motor Crime Team, headed up by senior Partner Roger Brice have a wealth of experience in road traffic law and are here to help ‘keep you on the road’.

For any help or queries call (01206) 369889 or email 

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.