Speeding fines are set to rise after a review of the sentencing guidelines for magistrates courts.


For the most serious offences, a driver could be fined 150% of their weekly income. 

In 2015, 166,216 people were fined and 166,695 people were sentenced for speeding offences. 

The most serious speeding cases 

20mph speed limit; 41mph and above recorded speed of driver

30mph speed limit; 51mph and above recorded speed of driver 

40mph speed limit; 66mph and above recorded speed of driver 

50mph speed limit; 76-85 and above recorded speed of driver 

60mph speed limit; 91mph and above recorded speed of driver 

70mph speed limit; 101mph and above recorded speed of driver 

Source: Sentencing Council

Our highly motivated established Motor Crime Team's objective is quite simple , they work hard to keep their clients on the road.

If you require legal representation for any motoring offences please contact our specialist Crime Team on either 01245 228114 or bricer@gepp.co.uk

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.