Just over 6 months ago, Theresa May pledged £2 billion pounds towards council housing across the UK.
The Prime Minister has said that people who live in social housing should feel proud of their homes, and that the “stigma” attached to living in accommodation provided by the government should be a thing of the past.
To match the significant investment into the social housing sector, there is additional reform in the private rental sector. Overshadowed by Brexit, May's reform and investment into social housing in the UK is one that will please many tenants and provide a layer of protection for tenants.
However for landlords, it can cause confusion.
So, What Does It Mean?
The new system prevents a landlord from unfairly evicting a tenant. It offers rebalance between a landlord and their tenant.
'Unfair' or 'revenge' evictions are carried out under Section 21 of the Housing Act 1998. It's when a landlord can evict a tenant without having to give a reason, at any point during the tenancy.
Section 21 is reported by charities as a large cause of homelessness amongst UK renters. The government is announcing this change as part of a wider reform and May aims to instil structure and the stability for private tenants to plan their futures without risk of eviction.
What Landlords Should Know
Although you will no longer be able to evict a tenant at short notice and without good reason, the government is ensuring that landlords have rights too.
Ministers will amend the Section 8 eviction process, so if you want to sell your house or move back into it, you will be free to instruct a tenant to leave. Additionally, the government have promised to speed up legal processes if a tenant falls into arrears or damages your property.
This is the biggest change to the private rental sector in a generation.
If you require assistance with any issues regarding tenancies, we are well equipped at Gepp Solicitors to assist both Landlords and Tenants in all issues relating to tenancies or residential property disputes. Please contact Justin Emerson via email at emersonj@gepp.co.uk or via phone on 01245 228113.
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.