Around 230,000.00 people are going through a divorce every year in England and Wales and almost half of the break ups have at least one child under 16 in the relationship. This therefore meant that tens of thousands of children see their parents separate and this does not include the number of cohabiting parents.

Resolution commissioned a survey of 14-22 year olds whose parents have separated and the results of the survey were as follows:

  • Two thirds of children confirmed it had affected there exams and GCSE's
  • One in eight turned to drugs and alcohol 
  • One in three had a eating disorder
  • Around one in four struggled to complete homework they received from school.

The above findings highlighted the significance of parents managing their split in such a way to minimise the impact on children 

We therefore need to look at how we do things differently so that children are not affected negatively by parental split.

The process should be dignified and not apportioning blame to one party which without doubt will raise the temperature and will cause arguments about money and children.

If parties agreed and there was no-fault divorce, the amount of time needed to resolve financial matters would reduce; legal fees would be less and first and foremost would protect children of the parents from being affected as much as they would be if the separation turned nasty.

Every relationship is different. If you are going through a separation, or know someone who is we are here to help and can provide advice and assurance so that you and your family can move forward. We offer a free half hour assessment. . 

Please do not hesitate to contact Sally Ward on 01245 228118 and at and Keeley Lawrence-Hoyle on 01245 228106 or email in our Family Team.

We also have a Mediation Team who would be happy to have an initial chat with you to help you consider your options.

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues