Registered LPAs can now be viewed online

If you have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) that was registered on or after 17th July 2020 you can now choose to share the document online with third party institutions, such as banks and utility companies.

The service, called “Use a Lasting Power of Attorney“, can be used by the person who has put the LPA in place (the donor), or the person(s) they have appointed to act on their behalf (the attorney(s)) to allow organisations to view a summary of their LPA.

Once an LPA is registered by the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), the donor and their attorney(s) will be sent a reference number and an activation key and they can use the online service to create an account. Once the LPA has been added, a summary of the document can be shared with third parties by generating a secure access code to send to the organisation. This enables the company to check the LPA is valid and offers a downloadable version for their records, preventing the need to visit a branch and/or avoiding the delays caused by arranging for certified copies to be posted.

The service also enables donors and attorneys to keep track of which people or organisations have been given access to the LPA.

If you would like to know more about this service, or would like to draw up an LPA, please call the Private Client Department on 01245 228125 or email

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.