This week, the Prime Minister announced that Pubs and Restaurants could reopen from 4th July.

The appropriate guidance is still to be published and a further blog will follow. However, one of the issues raised was that the business needed to take details of their patrons.

The restart of the economy following the COVID-19 outbreak is being supported by NHS Test and Trace. The Government is suggesting that businesses help by keeping a temporary record of customers and visitors for 21 days and assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if required.

Hopefully, this will help the Government trace any outbreaks and advise those who may be infected, by being able to have readily available access to their details. We are being encouraged to fight the virus and those that already have this system in place such as hotels and hairdressers will not have an issue but those who do not such as Pubs will be provided with further guidance so they are clear how to comply with data protection legislation.

Screens, PPE, handwashing stations, one way systems, the new 1m rule and table service only; have been considered and discussed at length. Further guidance is awaited as to what is compulsory and how Businesses will be ‘policed’ The 2m social distance rules have been relaxed to 1m – this has been argued for some time regarding the reopening of the hospitality sector and it has been welcomed as many were unable to abide by the 2m rule in small premises and therefore argued it would not be possible to reopen.

Food and drink

Restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and workplace canteens.

People should only visit a restaurant in their household groups (or support bubbles), or with one other household, or with up to five other people outdoors.

The guidance applies to any food preparation or service setting where food and drink is sold for consumption at venues or for takeaway or delivery. The guidance also considers entertainment in restaurants, pubs and bars and similar venues where food or drink is served, provided they meet current government criteria for safe reopening.

It does not apply to food preparation or food service in clinical or healthcare settings.

Once the full guidance is published we will revisit how such guidance can be implemented in any sector due to open as of 4th July. In the meantime should you require any advice as to how to reopen safely and how to appropriately adopt these measures for the safety and wellbeing of your customers and staff then we can help provide expert advice that will assist in staying within the remits of any new guidance.

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