We know that serving personnel deploying on operations will use the MOD Form 106 (Basic Will Form for Service Personnel) but, as it says on the form, there are a number of circumstances when it may not be in your best interest to do so, and you should take professional/legal advice before completing it.
We can help you and your family with all aspects of Wills and Probate, ensuring that your Estate will be handled according to your wishes in the event of your death and that the process will be as straightforward as possible for your loved ones. We can also assist you with managing the Probate process for a loved one, helping to reduce the burden on you at a difficult time.
Suppose you lose mental or physical capacity through an accident, illness or combat injury. Who looks after your affairs? If you do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney your affairs could well end up under the supervisions of the Court of Protection with all the administrative burden and cost that involves. It is much better to appoint your spouse or children or other people that you trust to avoid those problems. A Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to nominate a trusted person to manage your affairs should the need arise, ensuring that your future needs will be taken care of no matter what happens. You can create a Lasting Power of Attorney in advance, appointing your attorneys, but only ever use the document should you need to. You do not need to give away any control over your finances and decision making unless you lose mental or physical capacity, and you need your attorneys to step in. In our experience this is one area where unit Admin Offices have little, or no knowledge and we would be pleased to give you advice about how a Lasting Power of Attorney can help you.
If you want to find out more about the services we can offer you, please feel free to get in touch.