The Employment Tribunal is a specialised ‘court’ you can apply to for compensation if you think your employer has treated you unfairly.
At Gepp Solicitors, our employment law specialists can help you hold your employer accountable for a wide range of issues, including discrimination, unfair, wrongful or constructive dismissal, and unpaid wages.
We understand that taking legal action against your employer is not something you do on a whim and you are likely to feel anxious and stressed about the situation. You may also be carrying feelings of anger, resentment, and sadness about the way you have been treated during the course of your employment.
Therefore, we approach every case with sensitivity and compassion. We will ensure you fully understand the options available to you and the best way to proceed to maximise your prospects of success. We know that engaging with your employer will be difficult, but we are committed to helping you overcome the challenge.
Applying to the Employment Tribunal should always be the last resort when handling a dispute with your employer. We can provide advice and support at every stage of the process.
Before anyone can make an Employment Tribunal claim, they must first inform Acas, a Government funded body that provides information and dispute resolution services to employees and employers.
Once you inform Acas, you will be invited to use their Early Conciliation process to try and resolve the issue without taking the matter to the Tribunal. We can provide detailed advice and professional support throughout the Acas Early Conciliation, including whether any offers of settlement are in your best interests.
Ideally, it is beneficial to try and settle the matter before it reaches the Employment Tribunal. However, our priority will always be to achieve a positive outcome for you.
Contact Justin Emerson on:
Call: 01245 228101 or
If you want to find out more about the services we can offer you, please feel free to get in touch.