If you have experienced discrimination at work, our skilled and sensitive employment solicitors are on hand to help you.
We’re highly experienced in assisting clients make complaints and claim compensation for discrimination on the basis of the 9 protected characteristics under The Equality Act 2010. We can support you and help you make formal complaints, engage with internal workplace grievance procedures, go through ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) conciliation, and conduct Employment Tribunal proceedings.
Our experience means in the vast majority of cases, we’re able to negotiate a positive resolution without progressing all the way to an Employment Tribunal. Our service is efficient, professional, and above all, high quality. Our main priority is to resolve your matter with minimal disruption to your life so you can move on from what has probably been a distressing event as soon as possible.
Our team of employment solicitors specialise in all types of discrimination, whether you are facing unfair treatment because of who you are, including your sexuality, race, or disability, we’re on hand to help you access justice.
We believe that there’s no excuse for discriminatory treatment in this day and age. Even where your employer doesn’t realise what they’re doing, it’s essential to challenge discriminatory ideas and values which are often perpetuated unintentionally.
We deeply understand how distressed and vulnerable you may feel as a result of the situation. However, we’ll stay by your side throughout the entire process, supporting you through any initial informal discussions with your employer all the way to Employment Tribunal proceedings if necessary.
Contact Justin Emerson on:
Call: 01245 228101 or
email: emersonj@gepp.co.uk
If you want to find out more about the services we can offer you, please feel free to get in touch.