Discrimination claims can severely damage a business. Even where businesses don’t intend to disadvantage certain employees, discrimination complaints can quickly lead to lengthy and expensive litigation, disruption to the business, and the detrimental loss to their reputation and integrity.
Our employment team have extensive expertise helping employers comply with discrimination laws under the Equality Act 2010 and guiding and supporting them through complaints, dispute resolution processes, and Employment Tribunal proceedings.
Our goal is to minimise interference with your business wherever possible. Our first step will always be to familiarise ourselves with your employment contracts, policies and procedures and your commercial strategy so we can carefully tailor our advice to your specific needs.
In the vast majority of situations, we can help employers resolve matters informally, using cooperative discussion and methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution such as mediation and arbitration. We’re also experienced with supporting clients through Acas (Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service) conciliation.
Where matters do progress to the Employment Tribunal, we can provide clear, realistic advice on your prospects for success, build you a robust defence strategy, and advise on the risks to your business. It’s preferable to avoid Employment Tribunal proceedings because of the costs and reputational risk to you.
As experts in negotiation, we’ll aim to help you settle the case before any Tribunal claim is made and can also draft detailed settlement agreements which waive the employee’s right to start a claim once settlement is agreed.
Contact Justin Emerson on:
Call: 01245 228101 or
email: emersonj@gepp.co.uk
If you want to find out more about the services we can offer you, please feel free to get in touch.