They can be a business’ most valuable asset – but when things go wrong, employees can become a major risk.
With employment laws and regulations ever changing, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for employers to keep up with their legal duties. Unfortunately, the penalties for failing to comply with your responsibilities are steep, including extended litigation, hefty fines, and detrimental damage to your business’s reputation.
That’s why businesses across Essex count on us to help them limit that risk. We can handle all kinds of employment issues – from keeping your documentation and procedures fully compliant and robust, to providing strategic advice for internal matters and providing expert representation if a case does go to tribunal or court.
We handle cases on behalf of all types of employers, including sole traders, limited liability companies, not-for-profit organisations and partnerships, including:
For expert employment law advice, get in touch with our legal specialists by giving us a call at one of our offices in Chelmsford Essex, or by filling in our online enquiry form.
Our priority is preserving the operation and integrity of your business. In the vast majority of situations, we successfully help employers avoid tribunal or court proceedings, even when facing the most serious accusations.
We utilise years of experience and strategic negotiation skills to settle disputes as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. We also have considerable expertise liaising with Acas (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service), an organisation employees must contact when they are considering making an employment tribunal claim.
Contact Justin Emerson on:
Call: 01245 228101 or
Call: 01245 228101 or email: or request a call back.
If you want to find out more about the services we can offer you, please feel free to get in touch.