From midnight on Friday 16th October 2020, Tier 2 restrictions came into effect in Essex and numerous other areas across the country.

Tier 2 restrictions mean that people cannot meet other households socially indoors – whether at home or at other venues such as pubs ("mixing ban"). The Rule of Six still applies in outdoor settings – as it does all over the country.

What does this mean for any child arrangements currently in place and especially arrangements which are Court Ordered?

There is an exemption to the mixing ban for arrangements where children do not live in the same household as both of their parents or guardians.  In simple terms, the child arrangements should continue, the tighter restrictions do not mean that children of separated parents will need to stay with just one parent for the duration of these restrictions.

This means that children can continue to move between homes and one adult can also enter the other's home, as long as it is for the purpose of moving children between both parents.

With October half term fast approaching, the same rules apply where a child has returned from abroad; the parent who accompanied them is permitted to leave quarantine to hand the children over to the other parent in order to comply with the contact arrangements.

A parent returning from overseas can also leave self-isolation (if applicable) for handover as part of the formal contact arrangements.

As per the guidance back in March this year, if you and your co-parent are both well, there is nothing to prevent the normal arrangements continuing.

If you have any queries as to continuing your child arrangements or comply with a Court Order, a member of our family law team will be happy to assist you by offering an initial free consultation.

All of our family lawyers are members of Resolution and will be happy to assist you with any Family Law issues. For a free initial consultation please telephone on 01245 228106 or email

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.