Over the last week there have been a number of social media posts stating that overhead speed cameras on stretches of the M1 and M25 have been activated to try and catch out speeding motorists. Anyone caught on these cameras breaking the speed limit will have a ticket automatically generated following their details being sent to a central hub. Highways England has denied any such action.
Overhead cameras are essential to smart motorways meaning authorities can monitor congestion and alter the flow of traffic accordingly. Highways England accept that some cameras may revert to national speed limit cameras when the variable smart motorway limits end. A spokesperson for them makes clear that it is impossible to activate or deactivate every single speed camera on those motorways "at the press of a button". Variable speed limit is one of those techniques using temporary speed limits displayed on gantries to manage traffic speed where there is congestion or roadworks. With more cameras on smart motorways motorists stand more of a chance of being captured on camera speeding and subsequently prosecuted for this.
If caught speeding, depending upon the excess speed, one could receive a fixed penalty notice with £100 fine and three penalty points, but the punishments can increase depending on the particular circumstances.
Gepp Solicitors have been providing legal advice for motor offences clients of generations. Our specialist Motor Crime Team, headed up by Senior Partner Roger Brice have a wealth of experience in road traffic law and are here to help ‘keep you on the road’.
For any help or queries call (01206) 369889 or email mail@gepp.co.uk
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.