In light of changes in the data regarding the Pandemic further changes have been made to the guidance issued specifically to Restaurants, Pubs bars and takeaway services. Government guidance is under constant review and with pressure now on business owners to avoid costly fines or closure we must be seen to support the changes and encourage those using our business to comply with the restrictions and assist in stopping the spread of the virus.
There are new penalties for this sector for breaching the rules imposed by the Government as well as updated guidance for the Track and Trace System which will mean that each premises will need to download a QR code by 24th September 2020. This enforces the request to keep a record of all customers for a period of 21 days. Some exemptions do apply and you should refer to the ‘Maintaining records of staff customers and Visitors’ within the guidelines. This facilitates the supplying of customer details for NHS Test and Trace if it is requested.
You should also keep records of the staff and which relates to the shifts that they work and have up to date contact details for them
We recommend letting customers know that by law they can only visit in groups of up to 6 people (unless they are visiting as a household or support bubble which is larger than 6). Check with customers on arrival who they are with and how many people will be attending. Signage should be used to remind customers to only interact within their social group.
The health and safety of your staff and customers is paramount, should you require any advice in order to avoid, fines, Enforcement Notices and in some cases imprisonment it is essential you revisit your risk assessments
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.