Wondering what it's like to work at Gepps? Our IT Apprentice Lewis shares his experience…
It’s a very nerve-wracking experience when you jump into the deep end of a law firm with no prior experience in any place of work other than in a kitchen part-time, but I wouldn’t have chosen any other place to work as an apprentice.
I will admit, it has been a challenging 14 months; filled with exams, coaching sessions and tedious, but rewarding, studying for the course that I had signed myself up for, but with the help of almost everyone around the firm and especially Salina & Rachel – who I work alongside on a daily basis – I feel like I’ve achieved much more than just a qualification. It’s been the best learning experience I could have ever asked for, even more so coming into IT and the legal sector with little knowledge.
Even after my time here, I’m still encountering new challenges and experiences that help me to develop and grow as a person, every day is a new experience and that’s why I enjoy what I do so much. Not only that, but we always have new software & hardware to be configured, tested and implemented, so there is always something to research and learn about.
Looking back at it, the thing I’m most grateful for here at Gepps is that I was treated the same throughout the whole duration I’ve been here.
Nobody thought less of me due to my knowledge or social skills (or lack thereof) at the time, and they allowed me to grow into who I am now, and I am thankful for that.
I personally feel that I’ve come much further than I imagined I would’ve when I first started. It was hard adjusting to the workload and expectations of the firm, but with the joint effort and patience from my colleagues, it made it much easier to adjust to.
I’m thankful for the opportunity that I’ve been given to work here, and I will strive to develop my knowledge more and more every day, with the help of all of my colleagues and friends.
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