March 8th 2019 is International Women’s Day.

This year, the campaign theme is #BalanceForBetter, following 2018’s #PressForProgress. International Women’s Day (IWD) has occurred for well over a century and the day is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women across the world and a chance to discuss and build upon the progress that has been made towards gender parity.

Did you know? 40% of our partners are Female

The legal profession in the UK has been historically, a male dominated profession. Until around a hundred years ago, women were not allowed to be awarded degrees and enter the legal profession. In 1919, the law was amended and the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act was introduced. This legislation meant and marriage could no longer be deemed disqualifications. As a result, women could finally become solicitors, magistrates, judges and jurors. It was Carrie Morrison that became the country’s first female solicitor in 1922.

A hundred years later, women make up 48% of the legal profession, as reported by the Solicitors Regulation Authority in August 2017.

Everyone has a part to play in building a gender-balanced world through continuous and collective action. At ​Gepp Solicitors, we pride ourselves on a diverse and gender-balanced firm.

For International Women’s Day 2019 and beyond, how will you #BalanceforBetter?


This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest.

Gepp Solicitors have a wealth of experience in employment law, having just celebrated their 250th year in business. Call 01245 228106 today to speak to one of our experts if you have an issue.