How far over the limit before you get a fine?
Speed cameras are usually obvious – but a lot of us still miss them at times, or they end up hidden behind a tree branch or bush. If you go over the speed limit without realising, how far over it can you really go before the camera flashes and you receive a fine a week later?
Earlier in the year, rumours circulated that speed cameras could track motorists going even 1mph over the limit. The actual tolerance of a speed camera is higher. The majority of UK speed cameras will only catch drivers that are speeding by 10% plus 2mph.
So on a motorway, if someone exceeds the 70mph limit, the speed camera will only catch them should they be going 79mph or higher.
But be wary – you are liable for a speeding fine as soon as you exceed the limit. So even if you’re doing 31mph in a 30 limit or 71mph on a motorway, you’re still breaking the law and could receive a fine.
If caught speeding, depending upon the excess speed, one could receive a fixed penalty notice with £100 fine and three penalty points, but the punishments can increase depending on the particular circumstances.
Gepp Solicitors have been providing legal advice for motor offences clients of generations. Our specialist Motor Crime Team, headed up by Senior Partner Roger Brice have a wealth of experience in road traffic law and are here to help keep you on the road, should you require legal assistance.