Team ‘Geppardy’ for the win…
Last night we fielded two teams of quizzers at separate charity quiz nights across Essex.
Coming a well-deserved fourth place was Bakshi Dhanda, Partner and Head of Residential Conveyancing and members of her Property Team at the Flagstone Financial Management Quiz Night all aid of Essex and Herts Air Ambulance . Flagstone, part of the Beresfords Group raised a fantastic £1,300 on the night for this worthy cause.
Team Gepps at one of the two charity Quiz nights attended last night! We're on a roll… 👍🏽
— Gepp Solicitors (@geppsolicitors) November 15, 2019
At the same time but across the county, Lisa Carter our Managing Partner, fielded a second team from our Private Client Department at the Lambert Chapman Quiz Night where £2,250 was also raised for the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance charity…
Two quizzes the same night both supporting the same great charity – what a night!