Gepp Solicitors have been supporting local charity CHESS

For the past 5 months, staff at Gepp Solicitors have been supporting CHESS (Churches Homeless Emergency Support Scheme), a charity tackling homelessness in and around Chelmsford and Essex.

Yesterday, we were delighted to present two cheques to fundraising manager Lindsay Hurrell from CHESS. Gepp’s staff have raised £600 to date, which the partners then matched.

Managing partner Lisa Carter, and chair of Gepp’s Corporate Social Responsibility team and Tax Associate, Marc Dorsett, presented the cheques.

The money raised by Gepp Solicitors will provide vital training and resources to help break the cycle of homelessness and support those eager to get back into work. The charity care for the homeless and vulnerable, whilst respecting their need for safety and dignity.

CHESS are a vital part of the community in Chelmsford and have helped countless people regain their independence, find housing, and start working again. They operate a night shelter, and are a lifeline to those in need

If you would like to know more about CHESS, visit their website here.