Police in North Yorkshire have seized a vehicle containing 70 sheep – 67 sheep and 3 rams to be precise. They were believed to have been stolen from the Northamptonshire or Lincolnshire area.

According to the NFU Mutual, livestock rustling has risen sharply in recent years. According to its latest annual rural crime report, more than £3m worth of animals were stolen from UK farms in 2019. Large-scale sheep thefts have seen a 19.4% rise in value since 2017.

NFU are advising farmers to take a number of simple steps to reduce the risk, these include:

  • Ensure stock is clearly marked and records are up to date
  • When possible, graze livestock in fields away from roads
  • Check stock regularly and vary times of feeding/check-ups
  • Consider a high-tech marking system such as TecTracer, which puts thousands of coded microdot markers into a sheep’s fleece
  • Join a farm or rural watch scheme to share information about rural crime in your area
  • Ask neighbours to report any suspicious sightings to the police, or to give information 100% anonymously to the Rural Crime Hotline on 0800 783 0137, www.ruralcrimehotline.co.uk
  • But the most important message is as always – do not approach criminals

We have been advising the rural community for over 250 years and will be for generations to come. Edward Worthy and his Agricultural Law team would be pleased to hear from you with any farming related queries on 01245 493939 or worthye@gepp.co.uk

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.