Under the Government’s new Countryside Stewardship scheme, which comes into force on 1 January 2016, farmers will be expected to erect EU billboards on their land.
The new rule is contained in section 8.4 of the Government’s latest Countryside Stewardship Manual.
The move will see large billboards publicising the receipt of EU funding at a ‘location readily visible to the public’. The requirement will be mandatory where farmers receive payments for capital items exceeding €500,000 (£388,250).
Farmers receiving payments over €50,000 (£38,825) for capital items must display a plaque measuring at least 300mm x 300mm.
Agreement holders who receive more than €10,000 (£7,765) during the lifetime of their stewardship agreement will have to display an A3-sized poster.
In addition, a farm with a website used for business will have to include a short description of the agreement detailing the EU financial support received.
Failure to display the required poster, plaque or billboard, or to replace those which are lost or damaged, will be a breach of the agreement and subject to a penalty or recovery of payments.
The above is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.
Gepp & Sons have possibly the most experienced and established Rural Services Legal Team in the region. If you have any legal questions relating to farming and businesses in the rural community please contact Edward Worthy on either 01245 493939 or worthye@gepp.co.uk