The first working Monday after the Christmas and New Year festivities have passed sees more people feeling disillusioned about their relationship.

Here at Gepp and Sons we are used to seeing an increase in enquiries about divorce and separation in January more than any other month of the year.

Whilst there are many factors that bring feelings and emotions to a head, money worries are the main reason for break-ups driving one in ten married couples to split.

In an article published by the BBC they confirm that in a recent survey of 2,000 people over a third of respondents (37%) say financial pressures are the biggest challenge their marriage faces, while just over a fifth (22%) say most of the arguments they have with their partner are about money.

The Office for National Statistics )ONS) reveal that nearly 107,000 heterosexual couples divorced last year – that’s an increase of 5.8% compared with 2015 and the highest increase since 2009. The ONS also reported that lesbian couples are more than twice as likely to get divorced than gay men. Whilst figures are not out yet for 2017 statistics for 2016 revealed that there were 112 divorces of same-sex couples – a fivefold rise on the previous year, when there were 22.

If you are experiencing difficulties in your relationship and would like to discuss your rights and options call us now to book a free half hour consultation with one of our experienced family lawyers.

For a free initial consultation please telephone on 01245 228106 or email

Read more about our Divorce Services.

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.