The new year often starts with Friends, Family and New Years Resolutions, but for many couples, the new year also brings with it, the desire to begin the new year separated.
With Christmas traditions being different amongst each household, one that has become exceedingly common, is divorce. The first working Monday after the Christmas and New Year festivities has in fact been titled ‘Divorce Day’ due to more people seeking legal advice regarding separation and divorce.
The global pandemic put a serious strain on many couples, for example, ‘cabin fever’, job losses and money troubles. These strains are also ones that some couples face during the holiday period, except you also have the addition of arranging to see relatives and the general draining feeling that comes with the winter weather, all whilst trying to have the movie perfect Christmas…. This can feel exceptionally over whelming for some.
Christmas is also one of the most financially straining holidays of the year, gifting, decorations, socialising, the list could go on, and when you consider how many homes are financially struggling due to the pandemic, its an unfortunate realisation that money worries could be one of the main reasons that couples decide to separate in 2021. In fact it’s the reason that one in ten married couples decide to split.
Even though the holidays are commonly a time of stress for a lot of people, you may be questioning if it’s the time of year that has made you feel dissatisfied in your relationship, or if the time of year has just brought under lying feelings to the surface.
Here at Gepp Solicitors we are used to seeing an increase in enquiries about divorce and separation in January, more than any other month of the year. In fact, according to Amicable, more than 40,500 people will search “divorce” online in January, but even though this is usual and something we are used to, we understand that this is most likely something that you are not, which is why we offer you practical advice, help you make sense of the process and keep your best interests at the forefront.
If you are experiencing difficulties in your relationship and would like to discuss your rights and options call us now to book a free half hour consultation with one of our experienced family lawyers.
For a free initial consultation please telephone on 01245 228106 or email
Read more about our Divorce Services.
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.