June is a month dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ + communities all around the world.
Unfortunately, members of the LGBT community are subjected to, at some point in their lives, some form of discrimination. This can be from subtle patronising to lack of progression in the workplace to direct aggression or even physical attack.
Discrimination in the workplace is, unfortunately, still a frequent occurrence in today's world and many people suffer in silence due to embarrassment of often not wishing to discuss the reasons or the nature of the campaign waged against them.
If you believe you have been discriminated against or have been treated unfairly or repeatedly harassed on the basis of your sexuality or for any other reason which is expressly prohibited by law such as gender, race, religion, age or disability, our employment specialists can help you in offering support and advice in any aspect of discrimination in the workplace.
For more information please contact daven@gepp.co.uk.
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.