It has been reported today that a lawyer on behalf of David Beckham is fighting his speeding charge in a scenario where it is accepted that he was driving the vehicle and going over the speed limit. The defence is said to be put forward is that there was a failure to serve a notice of intended prosecution within 14 days of the speeding incident. It is suggested that the notice was served, but out of time, and there is to be a trial where the defence will say that the notice was served until five days after being sent out on February 2.

Whilst the media report this as a loophole it is the case that the prosecution have to follow correct procedure which at various points includes dates and timescales and if they are not met then legally a prosecution will fail.

It is cases like this which highlight the fact that it is integrally important to have the best possible legal representation to ensure the best possible outcome in each individual's case. Clearly, one's driving licence is of integral importance to the majority of individuals both for business and leisure.

Gepp Solicitors provides legal advice in all sorts of motoring and criminal prosecutions. Our specialist Motor Crime Team have a wealth of experience in road traffic law and are here to help ‘keep you on the road’.

For any help or queries call (01206) 369889 or email