In a recent article published by Farmers Weekly they reported that a young farm worker had been seriously injured having been struck by a dairy bull. The 28 year old entered an enclosure housing cows and a mature dairy bull to carrying out routine ‘mucking out’.
An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found farmworkers had to enter three times a day to clear out cleaning, while the bull was loose in the same enclosure.
Inspectors found a suitable bull pen with means of restraint was not provided on the farm to ensure workers did not have to enter an area occupied by the bull.
The farm owners pleaded guilty to breaching health and safety at work regulations. A judge fined the company £16,000 and ordered it to pay £3,079 court costs.
Speaking after the hearing, HSE inspector Wendy Campbell said: “Farmers have a responsibility to assess risks from their cattle and provide suitable housing and handling facilities to ensure that bulls are excluded from areas where they or their employees work.
“Farmworkers should never enter an enclosure when a bull is loose.”
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