Whether we like it or not technology inexorably moves forward, this has its positives and negatives in all courses of life which includes the ability for criminal offences to occur. We have all heard of fraud being committed over the internet by people pretending to be banks and transferring of monies to them or attempting to buy things which then turn out not to exist. From online fraud to cyberstalking, the internet has become a breeding ground for unlawful behaviour.

The law must try and keep up with these new types of offences with new legislation specifically drafted to address these emerging threats. Yesterday, a significant custodial sentence was imposed upon the first person in relation to a new offence of cyberstalking. According to YouGov research, alarming statistics reveal that 4 in 10 women aged 18-34 have received unsolicited explicit images online.

This offence was part of the Online Safety Act which came into effect on 31 January 2024 and covers instances where someone sends an unsolicited explicit image to somebody via an online platform which includes messaging apps and social media. The Act also addressed other offences for example sending false communications (s179) and sending threatening communications (s181).

This is an illustration of an area where the law has changed and adapted to cover new technological offences successfully and cover any potential loopholes that would be created or present otherwise. To have this new law used within a few months of being enacted shows significant steps forward in and justifies the need for it. But it remains increasingly important for the government to continue to monitor and evolve laws to keep up with the ever-increasing pace of technological advancement.

If you fall to be interviewed in relation to cyber-related offences, expert representation is a must to ensure the best possible outcome in the case. Gepp Solicitors have a proven outstanding record in terms of dealing with cases. It is extremely important that expert legal advice is given at the earliest stage to ensure the best possible outcome for you.

If you have queries in respect of representation relating to such matters, then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01245 493939 or via email at criminal@gepp.co.uk.