A heterosexual couple have recently been successful in their appeal to the Supreme Court to allow civil partnerships for mixed-sex couples.  Currently in the UK, only same-sex couples have a choice between marriage and entering into a civil partnership but the Supreme Court Judge ruled that the current law was incompatible with human rights laws on discrimination.

Currently, the only option for opposite-sex partners to formalise their relationship is by marriage; while this doesn’t suit some couples, they still want the legal protection that marriage brings without having to say 'I do'.  Although the Government is not obliged to change the law following the recent Judgment, it could be likely that the Government will now act and extend civil partnerships to all. 

A potential change in the law could be useful for tax planning as civil partners receive the same tax benefits as married couples. Currently, unmarried mixed-sex couples aren't afforded the same level of tax breaks as married couples or same-sex civil partnerships. A change in the law would be welcome for tax planning as couples would be able to organise their tax positions in the most favourable way and in a tax efficient manner.

Civil partnerships receive the same legal treatment as marriage in terms of inheritance, pensions and tax and here at Gepp Solicitors, we have a Private Client team with a wealth of knowledge in dealing with all aspects of estate and tax planning so, if you need any help whatever your situation, please contact Marc Dorsett at dorsettm@gepp.co.uk or on 01245 228146.

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.