Over the last few months, staff at Gepp & Sons have been raising money for their chosen charity of the year, Columbus School and College, a local school which caters for children and young people aged between 3 and 19 with profound and multiple learning difficulties, many with extreme physical disabilities.
This week, a few of us were privileged enough to visit the school and see first hand the difference our donations make to the students there.
Spencer, Fiona, Robyn and Georgia were given a tour of the ‘early years’ department where they were affectionately greeted by some very happy young students before joining Class 11 for their cooking class. It was in this class we were able to see the many items the school had been able to purchase with the funds raised, everything from mixing bowls and cutlery to talking scales! This equipment gives the students of Columbus the opportunity to learn practical life skills as well as providing them with a main stream school experience, something the Head teacher Ginny Bellard is passionate about.
The students of class 11 whipped up some ham and cheese omelettes while they chatted away to us and their teacher, one of the boys even gave us all nicknames!
Visiting the school was an absolute privilege, the students are delightful and charming and the teachers and staff are incredibly passionate about giving these students the best opportunities and experiences available to them. It is an honour to support Columbus and as a firm we will strive to continue to raise funds and offer our services to the school in any way that we can throughout the rest of the year.
If you would like to offer your support to Columbus School and College, why not have a look at their Amazon wish list. This list details items that the School and College are in desperate need of, items can be purchased through Amazon and sent directly to the school and range in value but start at as little as £3.50. Please click HERE for details.