Despite reports of a slowing economy post-Brexit, house selling and buying remains busy, according to a survey conducted by the Law Consultancy Network.

In an article posted earlier this month the Halifax had reported 1% drop in house prices. However one third of conveyancing departments surveyed in fact saw an increase in work.

The biggest reported concern of conveyancers was Brexit and the political and economic uncertainty predicted to follow, however it is hoped the market will remain buoyant as nerves settle and Brexit plans become known over the next couple of years.

Our very own conveyancing department reported a record month in June for instructions, and so far July is showing the same trend.

Our Residential Conveyancing team will be happy to assist you with any aspect of your property dealings. Please contact the New Business Team on 01245 343980 or via Alternatively you click here to request a free quotation.

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.