Ben Hedger an eight-year-old boy steered his car to safety whilst travelling at 60 mph when his mother suffered a seizure on the A120 Colchester in Essex just off the A12. When she initially blacked out in rush-hour traffic the vehicle hit the central reservation, this point Ben had the presence of mind to put on the hazard lights and steered the vehicle to the hard shoulder. He then tried to use her mobile to call the emergency services before another driver stepped in to help and assist. His mother, Miss Smith, had never suffered such a seizure previously and had no recollection of events whatsoever.

Gepp Solicitors provides legal advice for motor offence clients of all ages. Our specialist Motor Crime Team, headed up by Senior Partner Roger Brice have a wealth of experience in road traffic law and are here to help ‘keep you on the road’.

For any help or queries call (01206) 369889 or email 

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.