Bereavement Standard campaign gathers momentum


Campaigners have brought to the attention of parliament the lack of cross-department communication when someone dies. The campaigners are seeking the creation and implementation of a UK Bereavement Standard. Parliament discussed this recently following an online petition.

The idea of a Bereavement Standard would be to enable a single focus point for a bereavement to be registered and that this would filter out to all government departments and industry too.  

Institutions such as banks, registrars or utility providers would be able to register on an online platform under the plans. The bereaved family would then be able to notify a single point and obtain the necessary information from the relevant institutions easier and in a more time effective manner.

Although the project is at the beginning stages, it has seen a lot of endorsement from multiple institutions, law firms and MPs who are advocating for standardising the process.

Until the Bereavement Standard is agreed and in place, the Private Client Team at Gepps are well versed in obtaining the relevant information required to deal with a deceased's estate. If you need assistance in dealing with the assets of a deceased loved one, please contact Gepp's Private Client department on 01245 228 125 or