Cafcass has shared a very helpful guide for working at home whilst your children are around.
The guide provides practical tips on how to remain productive and calm while working from home with children. It also offers useful links to a variety of online resources to support learning and guidance for parents about staying safe online!
I have highlighted 5 helpful tips below but, here is a link to the document which you can download and read at your leisure;
- Amend your work-life balance accordingl. For instance, start early before the children are awake (if that is possible for some as children can be extremely early risers, especially when they don't have to be).
- Plan for the day ahead just as you would when not in 'lockdown'; try to get up at the normal time for the start of school.
- Make up a packed lunch – this will save time on cooking during the day.
- Use life skills as part of the learning, for example, housework or gardening (now that would be a treat).
- Provide facts about what has happened due to coronavirus, explain what is going on now and give them clear information about how to reduce their risk of being infected by the disease in words that they can understand depending on their age.
I hope that the guide is useful to you, but should you have any queries in relation to child arrangements or any other family law issue then please contact our family law team for an initial free consultation on 01245 228106 or email