Megastar Adele has filed for divorce from husband Simon Konecki.
She announced the couple's separation in April, stating that she would like privacy and that there would be no further comments. The pair are said to have split amicably.
Adele and Konecki began dating in 2011, and got married in 2016 at a secret ceremony. They had a son, Angelo, in 2012.
Adele was named the richest UK celebrity aged 30 or under in 2018
… Which poses the question – does she have a pre-nup? Experts have suggested that the pair do not.
This simple agreement, that all married couples should have, allows one or both partners to set out exactly how they would like their assets divided, in the event that a marriage ends in divorce.
If the pair did not sign a pre-nup, under California law, where Adele has filed for divorce, Konecki could be entitled to half of what the singer earned during their marriage, which might well be millions, as Adele is famously worth just shy of $200 million. It is believed that Adele acquired most of her fortune while she was married to Konecki. Anything she earned before the wedding day is hers to keep.
Anything she has earned since then is fair game in a divorce.
It is important (even if you are not rich and famous) to put aside some time before tying the knot and consider putting together a pre-nup. While many people still think of prenuptial agreements as being for the super-rich, they are increasingly common and useful for a wide range of ordinary couples.
A prenuptial agreement can be useful in a number of circumstances, including:
- If you have assets such as a business that would be difficult to split 50:50
- If one or both partners have children from a previous relationship or other dependants whose inheritance you wish to protect
- If you have an inheritance, compensation settlement or other assets you need to protect
For more information, contact a member of our Family team
Dorjan Myrtja on 01245 228116 or email