Launched recently on Amazon Prime, the movie "I Care A Lot" stars Rosamund Pike as a callous and cold court appointed Guardian for members of society deemed to have lost capacity. Although highly dramatised, the movie shows Pike shamelessly manipulating the vulnerable and abusing the court system in order to get wealthy wards under her care to exploit and over-charge them with little or no regard for their actual needs.
We routinely tell clients in Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) appointments how important it is that the Attorneys they choose are trustworthy. It's interesting that, on occasion, when clients are faced with this question, and think about it properly, they admit that who they thought they would automatically entrust their finances to are not necessarily someone, deep down, that they would trust.
Whether you have an LPA in place, or are thinking of investing in one for your future, we would urge you to take some time to think carefully about who you would want to appoint as your Attorney and whether, given the responsibility to make decisions for you when you are no longer able to, would ultimately have your best interest at heart.
For more information on LPAs and advice on the appointment of Attorneys, please visit our website or contact our Private Client team on 01245 228125 or and we would be happy to assist you.
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.