This can be undertaken by a simple service in a Registry office or in a ceremony conducted by a Registrar.

Upon conversion the married couple will receive a back dated marriage certificate similar to a conventional certificate. The date of the civil partnership will be shown as the date of the marriage together with the date of conversion.

The effect of the marriage will be to give persons the same matrimonial rights and claims as heterosexual couples i.e. for lump sum, property, maintenance and pension. Financial claims were previously made under The Civil Partnership Act and remain for those in such a partnership.

There is currently no provision for heterosexual couples to be able to enter into a Civil Partnership.

For those converting or marrying, if they did not enter a Civil Partnership before, then consideration should be given to the protection of assets by a pre-marital agreement.

If you or someone you know would like advice about pre-marital agreements or ending a Civil Partnership or Marriage our experienced lawyers are available to assist and can be contacted on 01245 228 Steven Payne ( ) or 01245 228132 Sarah Overy ( ).

This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.