If you are in that situation help is available if you and your partner want to resolve matters. The options available in conjunction with legal advice include mediation. This is helpful and gives people the time and space to enable them to reach decisions about their future and that of their children.
Family Mediation involves an impartial qualified mediator in meetings with the parties to help them identify their issues and work through options leading to a settlement.
At Gepps we offer this service which is good value and effective for people wanting solutions to their problems. Our Lawyers are members of Resolution and committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes.
If you are going through a separation, or know someone who is we are here to help and can provide advice and assurance so that you and and your family can move forward. We offer a free half hour assessment. Our lawyers Steven Payne can be contacted on 01245 228106 and at paynes@gepp.co.uk and Sarah Overy on 01245 228132 and at overys@gepp.co.uk or via our website mail@gepp.co.uk
The above is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.