Elderly man to face hefty fine after ploughing sports car through a brick wall near Police Station

A 73-year-old man ploughed his Porsche through a wall and fence before nose-diving onto a foothpath.

Sgt Shead of Essex police commented on social media regarding the incident stating that the 73 year old male had been reported by the police for careless driving.

He followed this with confirmation that "Thankfully neither the driver or anyone else was injured. The driver will be offered a Fitness to Drive course & the DVLA notified. "

A slew of replies and comments from the public came in with the majority following a comedic tone, however the incident is no laughing matter as the driver could receive a driving ban and a fine up to £5000 along with a fine for the damages caused if he is subsequently charged and convicted of careless driving.

As the car laid to rest on a busy footpath the incident could also be viewed as dangerous driving by the CPS and if that is the case, the elderly male could be sentenced to up to 2 years in prison.  There will also be a mandatory driving ban of at least 1 year and following the ban the driver will be required to re-take his driving test to ensure that they are safe to continue using the roads.

Roadside tests would have been taken for drink and drugs and the samples sent of for analysis, if any of these come back positive the driver could face a further charge with a maximum penalty of £5000 and a prison sentence of up to 6 months.

The elderly man may not have been charged with any offences at this time but he could receive a court summons in the coming months.

At Gepp and Sons Solicitors we provide leading legal services for driving offences with Roger Brice, with over 35 years of experience in the field, heading up our highly regarded Motoring Law department. The team deals with a range of offences from speeding tickets to death by dangerous driving and always delivers calm and clear advice for our clients to ensure the best possible outcome.

For further information, or to book an appointment with one of our Solicitors call 01206 369889.