How to make your children’s Christmas special
- Start the conversation about Christmas with your children’s other parent as early as possible so that you have plenty of time to agree arrangements and tell the children, and they know what to expect.
- If you are not having the children on Christmas Day, you may be able to arrange a time on Christmas Day when you can give the children your presents.
- Suggest an arrangement of alternating the years so that the children get to spend Christmas Day with each of their parents.
- If you don’t have the children on Christmas Day, arrange your own Christmas celebrations on a different day when the children are with you. Most children don’t mind having to Christmases!
- Agree what presents each if you will give to your children so that they don’t end up being disappointed with getting the same present twice.
- Avoid turning Christmas into a competition with your children’s other parent. It doesn’t matter who buys the most expensive presents or throws the best party. What really matters is making your time with your children special.