- Money. As finances are becoming more stretched for so many households, one of the top reasons couples seek marriage counselling is financial issues.
- Infidelity. Across history extramarital affairs have ended countless marriages. However infidelity is not what it used to be with just face-to-face encounters. Social media platforms make easier for intimate exchanges to be made via text or video calls – till caught out.
- Constant arguing. Now more than ever there are more pressures upon relationships. Nonstop bickering over children, work, money, or chores, compound problems often beyond repair.
- Lack of intimacy. Lack of intimacy is not just physical; it can also be a lack of emotional connection or interest. With increased working hours and general pressures of life, time can be scarce leading to people drifting apart.
- Substance abuse. Alcohol and/or drugs abuse can put a huge strain on a relationship, not just emotionally but physically and financially. Addiction changes a person’s priorities, and not for the better.
Whilst not all relationships can be saved, many can with the help of counselling. However when things come to a head and the relationship is over, it is important you get the right legal advice to ensure matters end as amicably as possible. Where ever possible we take a non-confrontational approach to finding the best all round solution. However when needed we have the experience and determination to get the best possible result.
For a free initial consultation with one of our Family Law team please telephone on 01245 228106 or email Family@gepp.co.uk
This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.