According to a recent NFU survey, the most targeted items over the past 12 months were fuel, tools and quad bikes, which is the same as in 2013.
In 2014, the NFU processed claims for 820 quad bikes, which equates to more than 15 being stolen every single week of the year.
The good news is that thefts of tractors and other vehicles have fallen significantly in the past 12 months. This is thought to be due to the fact that farmers and manufacturers have taken steps to make them harder to steal.
The worst-affected counties for rural crime in 2014 were Essex and Kent, with Lincolnshire, Hampshire and Cambridgeshire following close behind.
Top 10 UK counties by estimated cost of rural crime in 2014 (last year’s figures in brackets)
1.Essex £2.4m (£2m)
2.Kent £2.2m (£1.8m)
3.Lincolnshire £1.8m (£2.2m)
4.Hampshire £1.7m (£970,000)
5.Cambridgeshire £1.7m (£2.4m)
6.Lancashire £1.4m (£1.7m)
7.Somerset £1.1m (£1.2m)
8.Suffolk £1.1m (£1.4m)
9.North Yorkshire £1m (£1.5m)
10.Gloucestershire £1m (£790,000)
The above is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.